Sick in Asia

Posted Kingdom of Thailand

After dodging the inevitable for so long, it has finally happened. Both Rob and I have fallen sick with some sort of irritating stomach bug or food poisoning. What’s more, it had to happen during our last two days in Asia.

After spending the better part of yesterday motionless underneath the covers of my bed, drinking water and feeling weak as ever, I thought that we would at least be able to enjoy our last day after I’d slept it off. You can then imagine our reactions when Rob woke up feeling maybe worse then I had yesterday. Not sure where it came from, we’ve given up speculating and instead just tried to come to terms with the reality of the situation, and hope that he feels better before our 6 AM departure tomorrow morning. Unlike my situation though where I just waited it out for 20 hours in my bed, Rob has another one of many custom suit fittings that he’ll have to walk into town to do later this afternoon.

At this point I am hoping for the very best; Rob feels better in a couple hours, and a delicious Lychee Mojito can wash away our troubles as we enjoy our final sunset in Thailand, and Asia. (Fingers crossed)

– Alex Yeagle